Friday, 13 February 2015

my music journey.

I decided to keep a journal as my music went digital and there was no product as such only downloads.  music for the tablet generation.  a long way from the bands who grew moustaches that I witnessed on the television as a child in the 1970s,  Beards have come back though. Big beards
Dennis WIlson style, Jim Morrison,  on singers like Josh Tilmans California.

Thursday 15 jan 15

I hear about a folk gathering at the golden cross pub here in twyford and decide to pitch up with a guitar. Fierce winds. Icy cold  all th etunes are up on I-tunes ands Spotify so I may as well go along and sing one song.  I walked past this venue beofr and saw what looked like a class or gathering in the backroom.

2am Cant sleep

I arrived at the pub to be told that the man who ran it had not been in to move the chairs so it was not likely to be on that day. I cleared out.

I invited four friends in Twyford to the Wednesday open mic session that I just learned about. Three are musicians one owns a guitar.  The only professional guitarist I know in the village is Patch who lives at Broadhinton.  Christian Ruffy moved to Sonning with Victoria. she still works in the village at red rooster pr company which she set up.  There was another guitarist in the street who moved on whos name was Andy.I have his CD in my collection the name of his act was VICES.

vices got a deal and recorded in los angeles when they got back I think they lasted a year before they all got jobs.  Chris Healy  ex ARCO wrote the book on Nick Drakes fingering techniques for Gabrielle Drake who put together an excellent book on her brother in 2014

Chris the soft singing brother of Nick Healey my friend the drummer in brook street (before he went techy) also went to LA as ARCO  and presumably in japan as that is where there fan base was before they too folded. Their bass player wrote very good songs too, as did chris.  The bass player had a solo act called PENGUIN PARTY who had one song I really liked.

I decided to go to shoreditch in LONDON to trade a painting for a colourful African jacket I fancy designed by my friend SAMSON SOBOYE.  In music you need to get noticed, but fame incurs loss of privacy, a tricky trade off.  If you don't get noticed though you are not in show business.  THE WILL BURY YOU

It is a racket of course show business. Not spiritual.


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