Saturday, 14 February 2015

A tale of two Sadies

I was recently in London and I noticed that the galleries are spreading out from Mayfair and Vyner street and besides the ones in Hanover square and Cork street (still Mayfair) they are creeping into Soho.  Beside Liberty runs Kingley street and at the bottom on the left is the HQ of Sadie Coles.

A perfectly wonderful space, although on the first floor, it has top lighting from a glass roof as I recall,  I saw the paintings of a polish artist which were large and with influences drawn from many sources.   Almost stuckist in their execution, the range of subjects suggest post modern concerns and a nineteen eighties training.   The space itself was excellent though and I shall look forward to my next visit. It reminds me of when Saatchi had his first gallery in NW8 without the trek to get there.

A beautiful gallery at 62 Kingley street next to Liberty well worth a visit.

I am also still very excited by the work of Sadie Brockbank the sculptor of Mortimer Berkshire.
Her animal inspired sculptures manage to contain narratives with ecological messages as well as
being as weird as its possible to be while somehow remaining familiar.  If this makes no sense to you
try googling her name and looking at the website.  She showed recently in charlotte st  Fitzrovia but sadly I missed this show. Her work deserves more exposure I feel and that's why I am writing about it
here.  Sadie often combines two or more animals in one piece as well as morphing humans with animals so it has a fairytale quality without being fey.  I cannot describe it in words its so good for once words fail me.   Gggg-go seek!     RW C J  

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